Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Elements (Spirit)

The Elements…

Are believed to be the building blocks of the universe. In many pagan practices there are 5 elements earth, air, fire, water and spirit/divine. Though it is not unheard of for there to be more then just the 5. It is believed that everything in the world around us contains one or more of these elemental energies.



The Element of Spirit is also known as Akasha. Spirit is the immutable, changeless source of all energy. More often the element of spirit is seen as the Mother of the elements. Some say that the spark of life, that unknowable force that is called the "soul," is this element’s energy housed in the physical body. This element rules the realm of would-be: of promise, of paths not yet taken, of unformed galaxies. Primarily this element is un-beingness. It is energy, which extends everywhere all through the universe, has not yet gained form and substance. Spirit is the primal source of energy that creates and fuels the elements because of this it is complete balanced energy: Earth and Air and Fire and Water. It is due to this complete balance that there is not much that is unique to Spirit as far as correspondences.

Spirit Correspondences

    * Direction: North, east, south and west; also within and without; up and down; also, a complete lack of directions and dimensions.
    * Type of energy: Projective/Receptive.
    * Color: Purple or black
    * Places: Outer space; vacuums; the Void.
    * Rituals: Religious in nature.
    * Creatures: None (and yet, all).
    * Season: All (and yet, none).
    * Time: Eternal starlight.
    * Types of Magick Rules: Religious.

With this element being the mother over all elements I thought what a perfect moment to share a recipe that has expecting mothers in mind. I hope you all enjoy. 

Belly Balm (expecting Mom's)

1/4 cup cocoa butter
1 tablespoon wheat germ oil (or I sometimes use shea butter)
3 tablespoon apricot kernel oil (or any other rich oil - avocado, almond)
1 tablespoon grated beeswax (about 10 grams)

Melt all together gently in double boiler. Stir every now and then as it cools. You could add some lavender oil if you wanted - 12 drops for every 2 tablespoon of base oil. They tell me if nothing else, it does ease the itching.