Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wheel of the year: Beltane

Wheel of the year

Once more I have been asked to share with you all a small intro for the sabbats. I admit it was a bit hard to put this briefly and not go on and on about the Sabbats.

I mean they write books on this subject alone! How can I write something to shortly introduce this to you all? Well it took me a while, and this is what I was able to put together.

The holidays that Pagans celebrate are typically called Sabbats. They are seasonal celebrations representing birth, death and rebirth. These celebrations are how we attune the physical human mind, body and spirit with the flow of natures' energy and the essence of the God/dess. It is a bonding moment for us to recognize the aspects of the season within ourselves.

There are eight Sabbats observed during the Pagan calendar. They are solar rituals marking the points of the sun's yearly cycle as well as of life and nature. Traditionally they are grouped into two categories: four Greater Sabbats and four Lesser Sabbats.

First we will go over the four Greater Sabbats or Cross Quarter ceremonies. These were associated with agriculture and the bearing cycles of animals in the beginning.

Imbolc - (February 2nd)

Beltane - (April 30th and May 1st)

Lughnasadh - (August 1st)

Samhain - (October 31st)

The four Lesser Sabbats or Quarter ceremonies contain the Solstices and Equinoxes representing the astronomical beginnings of the seasons. Their dates may vary by a day or two each year as they depend upon the sun’s entry into the zodiacal signs of: Aries (Spring), Cancer (Summer), Libra (Autumn) and Capricorn (Winter). The four Lesser Sabbats are:

Ostara - (March 21st)

Litha - (June 21st)

Mabon - (September 21st)

Yule - (December 21st)

You might find it helpful to make or start carrying a special calendar around with you to mark the moon phases and holidays for the year at first until you get the hang of what comes when. I have a friend that made such a calendar for this year. Here is the link where you can find this (it would not post here)

Please visit us later on for our Sabbat lesson I am putting together. There we will go into all of this in great detail. I am looking forward to it and I hope you are too.

Blessed be
Lady Destiny )O(

                                                                                                     Lady Destiny and her Husband

Symbols of Beltane:

The most popular symbol that pops into people's minds is handfasting. Many pagans dream of having a Beltane wedding due to what Beltane represents.

We are lucky because Lady Destiny just recently got married and put together her own handfasting, and she has been kind enough to share with us all what an handfasting can look like.

*note this handfasting is made for a blended family*

Cast a circle

Call the elements:

Guardians, Spirits, Elementals and Powers of the East and of Air, we ask your breezy, cleansing presence at our circle tonight. Join us in honoring the sacred union. (wraps the white ribbon around the hands of the bride and groom)

Guardians, Spirits, Elementals and Powers of the South and of Fire, we ask your fiery, transformative presence at our circle tonight. Join us in honoring the sacred union. (wraps the red ribbon around the bride and grooms hands)

Guardians, Spirits, Elementals and Powers of the West and of Water, we ask your flowing, ever-changing presence at our circle tonight. Join us in honoring the sacred union. (wraps the blue ribbon around the bride and grooms hands)

Guardians, Spirits, Elementals and Powers of the North and of Earth, we ask your sturdy, comforting presence at our circle tonight. Join us in honoring the sacred union. (wraps the green ribbon around the bride and grooms hands)

(Officiator ring bell three times) “Today we stand upon this holy Earth and in this sacred space to witness the rite of matrimony between (bride's name) and (groom's name). Just as we come together as family and friends, so we ask the Mother and Father to be present here within our circle. May the sacred union of this handfasting ceremony be filled with their holy presence.”

(Officiator takes the god/dess ribbon and wrap it around hands of bride and groom while saying) “In the name of the God is love declared and in the name of the Goddess in peace declared.”

(Officiator places the athame in the joined hands of the bride and groom) “With the athame of life in your hands do you both pledge yourselves one unto the other in the bonds of matrimony?

(Bride and Groom) We do.

(Officiator) “And do you vow to bring the light of love and joy to the union, and maintain these vows in freedom for as long as love shall last?”

(Bride and Groom) We do.

(Officiator) Then let there always be joy between you as you live together in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

(Officiator unbinds the cords and places them around the athames of the bride and groom) “In nature all things are circular. Night becomes day, day becomes night. The moon waxes and wanes, and waxes again. There is Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and then the Spring returns. Did you bring your rings to symbolize this?

Rings are brought forward.

(Officiator to Bride) “Place this ring on the finger of your chosen, and pledge your vows”

(Bride) “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger of my eternal love. You are my friend, my partner, my beloved and I marry you today. I give you my heart, my body, and my devotion through the years of my life, so long as love remains between us. “

(Officiator to Groom) “Place this ring on the finger of your chosen, and pledge your vows”

(Groom) “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger of my eternal love. You are my friend, my partner, my beloved and I marry you today. I give you my heart, my body, and my devotion through the years of my life, so long as love remains between us. “

(Officiator) (Bride’s name) and (Groom’s name), you have declared your love for each other. In your decision to spend the rest of your lives together you have accepted the responsibilities of parenthood towards each other's children from other important relationships. You have established a home where each child finds love, security and acceptance. As part of your love for each other, I now ask you to make your promises to them.

(Bride) [Children's names], I promise to love and support you
to be there for you
to listen to you and respect you
to cherish and guide you
to help you learn right from wrong
to be there when you need me
and to give you love and make you part of our new family

(Groom) [Children's names], I promise to love and support you
to be there for you
to listen to you and respect you
to cherish and guide you
to help you learn right from wrong
to be there when you need me
and to give you love and make you part of our new family

(Officiator) With these symbols of love and honor, you are bound to one another and may now seal your promise with a kiss.

Couple kiss

(Officiator) “Let those assembled here bear witness that (Bride’s name) and (Groom’s name) are joined in love. Before the Mother and Father; before the elements; before this assemblage of friends and family; I pronounce you husband and wife. Now you are wed; two made one. Jump the broomstick that you may start your new life with a clean sweep.”

Couple jump the broom placed on the ground before them.

(Officiator with open arms) “May the Mother and Father bless you and keep you both in their love. May they shower you with their bounty. The rite has ended. Depart in peace Elemental Kin, Mother and Father, our blessings take with thee, and thine upon us. The blessings given and blessings received, the circle is cleared. So say we all!”

 This card is from the steampunk tarot

Tarot Cards for Beltane: Wands specifically the 4 of Wands

Foods of Beltane: Oats -
The magickal form used is raw and cooked. Use only whole grain oats. You can prepare and eat oatmeal first thing in the morning to bring money and prosperity into your lives. Other magickal possibilities include oat cookies and oat bread.

Candle colors for Beltane Rituals:

Pale Yellow - This is to represent the Spring Flowers

                                                                                     Baskets Of Flowers Sunflower by Larisa Koshkina
Ideas and Activities for Beltane:

Make "May Day" baskets of flowers and leave on friends and family's doorsteps as a surprise gift.

Chants, Poems, Prayers & Songs of Beltane:

Bulb Planting Earth Chant
by Eileen

For all those spring planted bulbs like lilies, oxalis, glads, begonias and such:

"Breath of the stone is strange to me
i know it lives as i can't see
force of the earth is strong and free
sustenance and beauty be
born of the stars and sprang from the ground
Mother, Goddess all around
Wheel must turn as the seasons show
what lies dead shall surely grow."

Recipes for Beltane:


1/2 cup Shortening
1 cup Oats or quick-cooking oats
1 cup All-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 teaspoon Salt
2 - 3 Tablespoons Cold Water

Cut shortening into next four ingredients until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add water, 1 Tablespoon at a time, until it forms a stiff dough. Roll until 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured surface. Cut into 2 inch rounds or squares. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375 until they just start to brown - 12 to 15 minutes. To griddle bake; bake on a hot griddle or frying-pan until the edges begin to curl. Turn over and cook the other side. Do not let the oatcakes brown; they should be a pale fawn color. Put on a wire rack to cool.

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